SPORTAMA Junior Super Series I, 2012
(TDP and Junior Master Points)
Fact Sheet
When: April 20th – 22nd,2012
Where: Lapangan Tennis GOR Satria Complex
Jl. Suharso Purwokerto, Central Java
Divisions: Boys and Girls 10’s, 12’s and 14’s. Single and first round consolation.
■ 10 & Under : Born on or after January 1, 2002
■ 12 & under : Born on or after January 1, 2000
■ 14 & Under : Born on or after January 1, 1998
● We have the right to ask for birth certificate to check the validity of the player.
Deadline: Tuesday, April 17th – at 6 PM
Schedule of play will be posted on our website: and Facebook: Tennis SPORTAMA
by Thursday, April 19th 2012 at noon or call +62 21 579 36022 during office hours.
Entry Fee: Rp.200.000
You must transfer the fee to our account before the deadline
Bank BCA
Acct Name : Rani Yunizar
Acct # : 605-011-8345
All Entries MUST email to or sms to +62 816 1665342 atteching your receipt of payment.
● Players will not be in the draw unless they have paid before the deadline.
● For 12’s and 14’s top 28 players (according to TDP ranking) will have the priority to get the
● Four wildcards are provided: Players may request for wildcards thru email:
one week before the deadline
——————————————————– ENTRY FORM ——————————————————–
First Name : Last Name:
Birth of Date :
Parent Name : Phone :
Email Address :
KTA # :
Division : Boys – 8’s, 10’s, 12’s, 14’s
Girls – 8’s, 10’s, 12’s, 14’s
For more information please call Mr Rani +62 816 1665342 or Mr Dudi +62 816 888372